Attributes allow you to extend the capabilities of your products.
During Attribute configuration (Common path Admin Panel -> Modules -> Commerce -> Attribute) when adding or editing, the Attribute configuration page is available to you.
The Visibility field controls the availability of this Attribute in sCommerce. If the checkbox is disabled, the display of this Attribute will be disabled everywhere except the page with the General list of Attributes.
As a filter
The As a filter checkbox controls the availability of this Attribute as a product filter of the sCommerce products catalog on the frontend. If the checkbox is enabled, this Attribute can be used to filter products in the catalog.
Limited input types are available for a filter.
The Position field is responsible for sorting the list of Attributes when editing a Product. Also, this field can be used for sorting when outputting the Product characteristics to the frontend, or for forming a list of filters.
The Key field is the unique key for the Attribute name. If the Attribute will be used as a filter, then the key will be displayed in the url of the product filtering page.
The key must have a unique value. Only lowercase Latin characters, numbers, and dashes are supported.
Restrictions for this Attribute are filled in the Categories field. This Attribute will be displayed for all Products included in the category with this Attribute.
If the selected Category contains attachments, then the Attribute will be available for all Products included in the child Categories.
Type of input
In the Type of input field, the type of data input that is available for this Attribute is configured.
If the Custom type is selected, you need to additionally configure the view for the field.
Help text
In the Help text field, you can write a text that will serve as a hint when filling in the Attribute while editing the Product.
Attribute Name
In the Attribute Name field, you must write the name of the Attribute. This name will be displayed in the Attributes list in the admin panel, and may also be displayed on the frontend when displaying the value of this Attribute.
In the Description field, you can write a text that can be displayed on the frontend when displaying the value of this Attribute.