

By calling the crop method part of the image will be cropped to the given $width and $height dimensions (pixels). Use the $cropMethod to specify which part will be cropped out.

$image = sGallery::file(string $pathToImage)->crop(string $position, int $width, int $height);


  • $position (string): The method of adjusting the image to the dimensions. specify which part will be cropped. Available options are 'topLeft', 'top', 'topRight', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'bottomLeft', 'bottom', and 'bottomRight'.
  • $width (int): The target width of the image in pixels.
  • $height (int|null): The target height of the image in pixels. If null, the height will be proportional to the width.
$image = sGallery::file($gallery->path)->crop('center', 250, 200);

Focal crop

The focalCrop method can be used to crop around an exact position. The center of the crop is controlled by the $centerX and $centerY values in percent (0 - 100).

$image = sGallery::file(string $pathToImage)->focalCrop(int $centerX, int $centerY, int $width, int $height);


  • $centerX (int): The center of the crop in percent (0 - 100).
  • $centerY (int): The center of the crop in percent (0 - 100).
  • $width (int): The target width of the image in pixels.
  • $height (int|null): The target height of the image in pixels. If null, the height will be proportional to the width.
$image = sGallery::file($gallery->path)->focalCrop(50, 50, 250, 200);

Manual crop

The manualCrop method crops a specific area of the image by specifying the $startX and $startY positions and the crop’s $width and $height in pixels.

$image = sGallery::file(string $pathToImage)->manualCrop(int $startX, int $startY, int $width, int $height);


  • $startX (int): The start X position in pixels.
  • $startY (int): The start Y position in pixels.
  • $width (int): The target width of the image in pixels.
  • $height (int|null): The target height of the image in pixels. If null, the height will be proportional to the width.
$image = sGallery::file($gallery->path)->manualCrop(50, 50, 250, 200);